Tuition Assistance

If you're a girl who's ready to tackle Finance & Investing, Jessica Perrone believes money shouldn't stand in your way. The oldest of 8 children, Jessica's path was not easy, and money was scarce. Yet, it didn't stop her from going after her dreams, and it shouldn't stop you either!
Committed to giving back, Jessica offers tuition assistance to underprivileged young ladies demonstrating need, character, and drive.
It is Jessica Perrone's mission to encourage teen girls to pursue careers in the field of Finance.
Tuition assistance is available for girls in grades 8th-12th who demonstrate financial need regardless of background, family,
or neighborhood.
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The application lets us get to know you better. What is your home life like? What are your favorite classes? Why are you the perfect student for this program? Jessica wants to know!
Once the above application is submitted, HerFinIQ will send an email requesting an educational letter of recommendation. This submission will only be accepted if transmitted directly to HerFinIQ from the applicant's teacher(s) or school principal.
The interview process is not scary. Rather, it is meant to be a fun one-on-one with Jessica Perrone. It is a chance for you to shine and exhibit why you should be accepted to this program. Once your application and letter(s) of recommendation are submitted, HerFinIQ will reach out to set up the interview date & time.